RF Exposure Report

  alpha 0.25

Digital Multi-page
RF Exposure reports in just minutes

  • Single file exposure report for entire HF or VHF/UHF ham bands
  • PDF report includes exposure calculations for all selected bands
  • Optionally include calculation pages for each ham band evaluated
Create Your FREE RF Exposure Reports!

Eliminate the Flood of Unformatted RF Exposure Page Calculations.
Generate PDF-Based RF Exposure Reports for FREE — Now and Forever!

This RF Exposure Report Was Generated in Less Than Two Minutes

Like most current internet-based RF exposure calculators, RF Exposure Report requires you to enter your antenna specifications, power, and transmission parameters. With RF Assure, you will also be required to (1) enter titles for your report, (2) select the ham bands (MF/HF or VHF/UHF) for analysis and (3) determine if you want to include calculation pages for each band in the report.

Cover Page

Summary Page

Computation Pages (optional)

Click to Download a Sample RF Exposure Report.

Download a Sample RF Exposure Report

How Does It Work?

 In three simple steps, RF Exposure Report, our software-as-a-service (SaaS) report generator, allows you to define your antenna specifications, generate a custom report for an entire band plan, and download your PDF-based RF exposure calculations, saving you both time and effort.

Step 1

Enter your antennapower, and  transmission parameters in the RF Exposure Report Worksheet.

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Step 2

Cick the Generate Report button to begin generating a customized PDF-based RF Exposure Report.

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Step 3

Download your PDF-based report with calculation pages for each band in your selected U.S. Amateur Radio band plan.

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Key Benefits for You

As a amateur radio operator, ensuring compliance with regards to FCC regulations for RF exposure levels is crucial. However, most exposure calculation methods are cumbersome, requiring multiple computations that result in a blizzard of scattered documentation. 

Save Time

Generate a complete RF Exposure report, including all MF/HF or VHF/UHF bands in the selected ham band -- all in under 2 minutes.

Ensure Accuracy

Eliminate human error with our automated calculations that summarize all exposure limits for each ham band.

Gain Insight

For each antenna, understand your exposure risks across all bands in a ham band.

Stay Compliant

Know your  exposure risks and satisfy the FCC's regulations with ease and confidence.

Free to Use!  Free Forever!

Leverage professional-grade analysis tools at no costs. Free now. Free forever!

Frequently Asked Questions

Have a question about RF Assure?  In the answers list below, we have tried to answer the most common questions we get. However, if your question has not been answered or it’s not covered in our application manual, please feel free to contact us with your question here contact form.

Let’s assume an operator has decided to use one of the many legacy RF Exposure web-based calculators to create a personalized RF exposure study. For this sceanrio, let’s assume the operator owns three antennas (e.g., an HF, VHF, and a POTA vertical). The HF and the vertical antennas will each be used on five seperate ham bands. Thus, these antennas represent a total of 10 ham band frequencies to analyze. The VHF is used only on 2 meters; consequently, that represents only one band and one frequency to analyze.

Using a legacy based RF Expoosure calculator, and performing seperate calculations for each of the 11 frequencies, one would be required to configure, calculate, print, organize, and store 11 seperate pieces of paper for each of the frequencies calculated.

But what if an operator owns and operates even more antennas and operates these antennas on all amateur radio ham bands? What happens when feed lines change, when new hardware is addded, or there is simply a small change that drastically effects the effective power delivered to the antenna? How complex is running a new set of calculations using the legacy RF Exposure web-based calculators? There had to be a better way!

The purpose of RF Assure is to allow one to effortlessly perform “worst case” calculations for a given antenna/radio configuration. In its current state, the application produces a single summary page and optional calculation set that reports exposure limits for EVERY band in either the (1) MF/HF or (2) VHF/UHF band plan(s). After creating your first report, simply repeat the simple 2-3 minute process of redefining your new antenna and power specifications and generate the next report. For the first time, creating comprehensive RF Exposure reports for each of your antennas is a simple and straight forward process.

Yes, the “standard version” of RF Assure that is curently available on the website is FREE and will be FREE forever. 

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Faster RF Exposure Reporting.
Insanely Well Organized. Free.

Transform the way you create RF Exposure Reports saving time, effort, and eliminating organizational headaches.

Create Your FREE RF Exposure Reports Now!